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* 来源: 国振 * 作者: admin * 发表时间: 2024-02-29 11:30:51 * 浏览: 141

2024年2月1日,国振合伙人许芝雷律师被正式接纳为国际知识产权律师联合会(FICPI)成员,并接到FICPI秘书长Elia Sugranes以及FICPI招生委员会主席Francesc的祝贺。同时,来自阿联酋、印度、波兰、巴基斯坦、意大利、希腊、美国、英国等多国律师事务所及律师同行也纷纷发来贺电。这标志着国振知识产权业务的国际合作正式启动。



On February 1, 2024, Guo Zhen law firm partner Xu Zhi lei was officially admitted as a member of the FICPI(international federation of intellectual property attorneys). Elia Sugranes (General Secretary of FICPI), Francesc(Chairman of the FICPI Admissions Committee), sent their congratulations to us.  Law firms and lawyers from UAE, India, Poland, Pakistan, Italy, Greece, USA, UK and other countries have also congratulated and expressed their willingness to cooperate with us.   This also marks the official launch of international cooperation in our intellectual property business.

FICPI(international federation of intellectual property attorneys),founded in 1906 and headquartered in Paris, France, it is a non-governmental international organization composed of intellectual property lawyers from various countries, with members in 80 countries and regions. It has a significant influence in the international intellectual property community and is recognized as an international authoritative intellectual property organization. FICPI requires that its members must have a good reputation and a high level of professional ability, rich experience in international cooperation, applicants must have more than 5 years of professional experience, but also must have more than 3 FICPI members from different countries as referrers.The strict membership conditions have enabled the organization to maintain an international standard of practice for more than 100 years, enjoying a high reputation in the industry, providing members with a high-level international exchange and liaison platform, the contact between members is also close, frank and happy.

Guo Zhen law firm intellectual property team, led by barrister Xu Zhi lei and Zhang Liyu has been specializing in trademarks, Copyrights and medical and pharmaceutical patents for many years, they has a high reputation and reputation in international cooperation.   The team has established communication and cooperation channels with famous intellectual property lawyers in many countries, laying a solid foundation for future common development and cooperation.